Uno Drinko!

Uno Drinko expanded rule set

Apparently I concocted the rules to this drinking game on July 2nd, 2006. I would assume I was drunk at the time.

Normal Uno game rules apply. Additional rules are as follows:

Rule 1: Whenever a players has to draw cards from the deck, they must take a sip of their drink.

Rule 2: Whenever a reverse card is played the person that would have gone next must take a sip of their drink.

Rule 3: Whenever A skip card is used, the person skipped must take a sip of their drink.

Rule 4: Whenever a draw 2 card is played the person who must draw cards also must have 2 sips of their drink.

Rule 5: Whenever a wild card is played the next player must take a sip of their drink.

Rule 6: Whenever a draw 4 card is played the next player must take 4 sips of their drink.

Rule 7: If a person does not call ‘Uno’ and gets caught by any other player, the same rules apply as a draw 4.

Rule 8: Whenever a person goes ‘out’, all remaining cards are counted up by the other players and then as such, the player must have as many sips as he/she has cards in their hand.

Now we all know how fast a normal game of Uno is played. The drink amount can get insanely high rather quickly as we happened to find out last night around midnight. I could have went out and saved everyone a lot of drinking time because of rule 7. I forgot to call uno and was called out on this by my ever so loving girlfriend [thanks]. I could have gone out next turn. The other players did not have that many cards and thus a decent 2nd game would have been over. But no, it went on for another half hour. Here is a tip for if you ever run out of something to drink. DO NOT SUBSTITUTE WITH SHOTS OF ABSINTHE! EVER! That’s all I have to say about that.



